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Asthma And Emphysema

Personalized Asthma and Emphysema Care at Texas Family Medicine Specialists

Welcome to Texas Family Medicine Specialists, where we take your respiratory well-being seriously. Our team of skilled medical professionals in Katy, TX, is dedicated to delivering exceptional care for individuals navigating the challenges posed by asthma and emphysema. Our array of specialized services includes precise diagnostic assessments, targeted treatment interventions, and personalized management plans – all meticulously tailored to align with your unique needs.

Your journey to optimal respiratory health begins with taking that crucial first step. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as persistent coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, or chest tightness, don’t delay seeking professional assistance. Our expert team is here to provide comprehensive evaluations, accurate diagnoses, and effective treatment plans that can make a transformative difference in your life. Prioritize your respiratory health today – schedule an appointment with us and embark on a path towards breathing freely and living fully. Your lungs will thank you

Asthma and Emphysema Q & A

What is asthma?

Asthma, a prevalent respiratory condition, involves the inflammation and constriction of your airways, resulting in breathing difficulties. At Texas Family Medicine Specialists, we offer valuable insights into asthma, its impact, and effective management strategies. Individuals with asthma experience symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness due to compromised airflow in and out of the lungs.

Asthma attacks, triggered by various factors such as weather conditions, allergens like pollen, or irritants like smoke, can exacerbate symptoms suddenly. Even activities like exercise or emotional responses like laughter may affect breathing patterns. While asthma is a chronic condition, our expert team provides comprehensive care to manage symptoms and enhance your quality of life.

Regardless of age, asthma can affect anyone, but its symptoms can be controlled through various tailored approaches. Though there’s no cure, effective management strategies can seamlessly integrate into your daily routine. Discover how to lead a healthier, more comfortable life with our guidance. Schedule an appointment today for personalized insights and support.

How is asthma treated?

Our approach to asthma treatment involves various strategies tailored to your needs:

  • Long-Term Control Medications: To effectively control and reduce the frequency of asthma attacks, we prescribe daily medications that can be taken orally or through inhalation. These medications work to keep your airways open and inflammation in check.
  • Rescue Medications: For immediate relief during asthma attacks, we offer rescue medications delivered through handheld inhalers. These medications quickly open up your airways, alleviating breathing difficulties.
  • Allergy Medications: If your asthma is exacerbated by allergen exposure, we provide allergy medications that help regulate your body’s immune response to allergens, reducing the impact on your respiratory system.
  • Trigger Avoidance Strategies: Our specialists may recommend practical strategies to minimize asthma triggers. These can include maintaining a dust-free home environment, utilizing dehumidifiers or air conditioners, and adopting regular cleaning routines.
  • Tailored Care for Changing Symptoms: We understand that asthma symptoms can evolve over time. Our team ensures ongoing communication and personalized adjustments to your treatment plan, ensuring you receive the most effective care as your needs change.

Your respiratory health is our priority. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and explore our comprehensive asthma treatment options. Breathe easier with Texas Family Medicine Specialists by your side.

What is emphysema?

While sharing shortness of breath as a symptom, emphysema is a distinct condition from asthma. Emphysema develops due to damage to the air sacs in your lungs, primarily caused by smoking. This damage hampers oxygen intake, impacting your overall well-being.

Emphysema is a chronic and progressive ailment, with symptoms gradually worsening over time. Often, it remains unnoticed until shortness of breath interferes with daily life.

While a cure for emphysema is unavailable, the dedicated team at Family Medicine Specialists of Texas offers tailored treatments to halt further lung deterioration and alleviate symptoms. These include:

  • Collaborative smoking cessation programs, significantly slowing emphysema progression.
  • Bronchodilators administered via inhalers to widen airways.
  • Portable oxygen devices providing necessary oxygen supplementation.
  • Inflammation-reducing steroids to alleviate lung inflammation.

Facing the challenges of asthma and emphysema is easier with Family Medicine Specialists of Texas by your side. Take control of your respiratory health – schedule an appointment today via phone or our convenient online booking tool.

Our Providers

Family Medicine Specialists

Discover our exceptional team at Family Medicine Specialists of Texas. Our dedicated providers are here to deliver top-quality family medicine care. Click on a provider below to explore their expertise and book an appointment. Take the first step towards better health with us today.
Jimmy Nguyen

Jimmy Nguyen

Family Medicine


Christina George



Catherine Chokuba-Azum

Family Medicine

Ayesha Mian

Ayesha Mian

Internal Medicine / Pediatrics

Silvia Sedrak

Silvia Sedrak

Family Medicine

oliver's pic

Mayriel Oliver

Nurse Practitioner - Family

Reva Davis

Reva Davis

Nurse Practitioner - Family

kat's pic

Kathryn Brazelton

Nurse Practitioner - Family

Jimmy Nguyen

Jimmy Nguyen

Family Medicine


Christina George



Catherine Chokuba-Azum

Family Medicine

Ayesha Mian

Ayesha Mian

Internal Medicine / Pediatrics

Silvia Sedrak

Silvia Sedrak

Family Medicine

oliver's pic

Mayriel Oliver

Nurse Practitioner - Family

Reva Davis

Reva Davis

Nurse Practitioner - Family

kat's pic

Kathryn Brazelton

Nurse Practitioner - Family